
Stay informed on the latest cyber threats - a one-stop destination for all the latest alerts and updates from multiple sources.

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Why cyberowl?

Cyberowl is a quick and easy way to stay current on the latest types of security incidents affecting your organization's assets.

It is a daily updated summary of the most frequent types of security incidents currently being reported from different sources. This is the quickest and most effective way to always stay current on the latest types of incidents.

cyberowl is currently reporting from...

PreviewUS-CERTopen in new window - United States Computer Emergency and Readiness Team.
PreviewMA-CERTopen in new window - Moroccan Computer Emergency Response Team.
PreviewCERT-FRopen in new window - The French national government Computer Security Incident Response Team.
PreviewHK-CERTopen in new window - Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre.
PreviewCA-CCSopen in new window - Canadian Centre for Cyber Security.
PreviewEU-CERTopen in new window - The Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies
PreviewIBM X-Force Exchangeopen in new window - A cloud-based threat intelligence platform that allows to consume, share and act on threat intelligence.
PreviewZeroDayInitiativeopen in new window - An international software vulnerability initiative that was started in 2005 by TippingPoint.
PreviewOBS Vigilanceopen in new window - An initiative created by OBS (Orange Business Services) since 1999 to watch public vulnerabilities and then offer security fixes, a database and tools to remediate them.